Tuesday, June 26, 2012

a lil more o' london

Blogging has been a little slow lately, so I apologize about that.  Its just, there's SO MUCH TO DO AND SEE here!  I did not anticipate this.  Like my friend's grandparents always say, "If you're bored of London you're bored of life."  

Anyways, here are a few pics from the last couple of days.  I'll 'splain as I go.  

aka: pub night!  England was playing in some big-deal football cup, so a big group of us decided to go and check out the scene.  We took a nice Sunday walk down to Fat Cats, the local pub, to watch the game (and in my case, just to join in the cultural experience). It was crazy to me just how many pubs were full o' football fans!  We had to stop by three pubs till we found one with room for some n00b Americans to squeeze in.
on our way home from the pub: 
me and a couple new besties saw a pretty building... so we took a pic, obvs
 and then we stopped by our local grocer to get some sweet treats... don't worry, I don't plan on trying these, probably ever.

After class in the morning, I headed over to the Summerset House which is hands down MY FAVORITE MUSEUM THUS FAR.  I was dying the whole time!  It was the cutest little hole-in-the-wall museum and it was free, so when I began stumbling upon masterpieces by Monet, Manet, Seurat, Degas, Picasso, and Van Gogh I about had a heart attack. Seriously, SO worth going to.
 our tube stop to get to the museum. just thought it was a cute photo opp
at THE summerset house with some new friends

 YOLOing in the summerset fountain on a beautiful day

My second class of the day met in Westminster Abbey. Yep you heard me. Unreal, I know. It was BEAUTIFUL in there. We also were able to attend the 5:00 choral service inside which was an amazing experience. Heck, the prime minister of Mozambique was even there. Also, I swear the choral leader was the same guy that led the choir at the royal wedding. Or else it was his twin.
 westminster! the outside is pretty breathtaking too
an artsy angle. 

After class, we were finally cut loose! We did some wild sightseeing which involved walking along the river, eating dinner, and overall bonding.
rachel, sarah, me, and big ben!
 carrousel + nighttime + london, england... you do the math
 parlament and big ben at night
the london eye! we ate dinner along that warf

Friday, June 22, 2012

portobello market

Today I fell a little deeper in love with London, and all credit goes entirely to Portobello Market. As you know, anything second-hand or old gets to me, so searching for antique treasures all saturday morning was way too perfect.  Here's just how perfect:

I meandered down Portobello's cobblestoned road, taking in the smells of fresh falafel and crepes cooking in the background.
I went from stand to stand, trying on vintage diamond rings and watches and talking to cute old British men about their antique book collections. 
Stamps, printing press letters, cameras, binoculars, monocles, collectable cigarette cards, tea sets, and other random nick-nacks were all too charming to pass up without a closer look and a conversation with the vendor.
All I can say after this is, my flea market standards have definitely skyrocketed.
portobello road
my FAVE book booth!  I am going back because the old man running this booth was my favorite. plus I want an old winnie the pooh book so badly.
we didn't eat here or anything but I just think this is cute, and very English.
 homemade mallows!  free samples were had.
 I had to take a picture of this thrift store classic, done better in the UK.
 the dollar store!  haha
 cameras cameras cameras. vintage and in working order!  
without fail, jewelry stops me in my tracks #attractedtoshinythings
 old type blocks!
fruit stands errywhere!
tomatoes sold on the vine
bakery stands errywhere!

Portobello Market, you have my heart. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I'M OFFICIALLY IN LONDON. And life couldn't be sweeter.

I have been here for four days so far, and I have already:
-used over 20 pounds on my tube pass
-eaten fish and chips
-dedicated a whole day to riding the red double decker bus
-paid a visit to the British Art Museum and the National Art Gallery
-seen Les Miserables in theater!
-walked through Hide Park
-visited Kensington Palace
-tried 5 new candy bars
-gone thrifting
-said hello to Big Ben
-took a boat ride past the London Eye and the London Bridge
-pretty much perfected my English accent, thanks to the help of a rapper selling CDs on the street.  he gladly taught us the hippest slang. apparently my accent's brilliant.
-made forever friends!

To some it up, I think imma love this place.
my first glimpse of parlament and big ben
the london eye from our boat
british museum!
fish 'n' chips with bri!
legit street art
DENIM THRIFTING. the real reason I know imma like it here.
good to know! haha
my hot and tempting new friend, sarah